liburan sd

Juli 26, 2009

liburan sd kemarn seruuuuu

ibuk datang ke bandung.. terus kita jalan2 dehhh

kemana 2 pokoknya. wisatakuliner, belanja..bareng.. i love this moment!

2 yummy!!! recommended banget deh Sindang Reret, Lembang, Bandung.

Terus.. terus.. kita juga jjs sehari ke Seaworld, Ancol. Walau cuma ke Seaworld, tapi karena bareng ibuk.. yang selama ini tinggal terpisah jauh, jadi bikin… ummmm… happy!


Waktu lihat  ikan duyung ini nggak tau rasanya terpesona juga.. duyung kan mamalia juga, kalo dipikir-pikir.. agak mirip manusia tingkah laku, anatomi maupun tekstur kulitnya..


Betewe, next destination of GTX reunion 2004 di Jakarta. Enaknya, kemana yaaa?


Yesterday I went to watch movie with both of ma sisters. I had watched this movie before, but Shanti and Awit
wanted to watch this movie with me too much (ehehehehehehe) and I had my promise to accompany them that time before. So, we watched TWILIGHT then.

I had read the novel before, and I was impressed.

I like the book

But I don’t think so with the film, at the first time I watched it.

The performanced of the actors were..
awkward .. I thought.

Edward was so handsome, of
course, and Bella was so cute, preety. But there was always a ‘but’. Indonesian people say ‘tapi, gimanaaa gitu..’

Totally, I really not satisfied with the film at all.

But in the second performanced,
when I just planned to accompanied my two sisters, I liked it. I like the film.
Weird, huh? All part of it, I like it.

AIDS, i’m in love….

November 30, 2008

Friday, November 28, 2008…

Grha Saba Pramana – UGM…

07.30 pm  until 01.30  am

That was an amazing concert!!!

The great charity concert was held in order to aware people, that ODAs (ODA= Orang dengan HIV AIDS) were not had to live in different community..they can live together with us, we dont have to act like they are the virus…

Anyway..this moment what i’m going to write is about the concert.. that great concert.. the artists were .. great.

First of all, i really2 dissapointed in the beginning of the concert. i cant found my seat. MY SEAT! Everyone was confused, the situation was very crowded. It took a long time for everyone, to found our seat. the ascorts were not sure about the seats ordering.. each of them throwed people to the other and each of them felt right on their side.. and the worst part was.. the concert was began while ALL people STILL look for their own seat!!

Oh, MY… i really start enjoy the concert with people walking and talking and confusing around me, noisy place, cant found my own seat, bad mood.. well, could u imagine  how terrible the situation was?

BUt, thank to the great performances of the artists… make me not felt regret anymore.

1. Djaduk was fantastic!

2. Syaharani was loveable with her jazzy style and voice and quennfireworks

3. Butet Kertarajasa and Den Baguse with their  monolog

4. Adjie indonesian idol-i love his jazzy voice!

5. Afghan-Did u know af, i really like terimakasihcinta with that mix style.. but i think u look a litle nervous last night

6. The georgous-and-clear voice-mr.Rio Febrian

7. Glenn Freddly-the most sensational of the night

Fiuhhh…no regret left when i step over the Grha Saba Pramana…i’ll upload the photos later..



Hello world!

November 29, 2008

Welcome to tetehpra’s blahblahblah.

This blog is made in order to express ma mind, share ma experiences, what happening in ma ordinary life ( actually, happy life for me..) and stories and all of ma imagination and fantasy…

…anyway, there are so many ‘and’ above, haha!

Just enjoy later!